We started Infinnum in 2014 to help small and medium entrepreneurs who needed more advanced systems and controls to deal with hypergrowth.   Now with much bigger organizations and more complex issues than when they started out, how do we help business owners become even more successful as they go into the future?  How can these businesses access advanced technology and professional management used by larger, established corporate enterprises,  when there is less capital to spare?  How do we help these business leaders sustain their momentum for the next generation?  These problems became our mission: to harness the best in people, processes, and technology to help successful entrepreneurs go to the next level.

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We started Infinnum in 2014 to help small and medium entrepreneurs who needed more advanced systems and controls to deal with hypergrowth.   Now with much bigger organizations and more complex issues than when they started out, how do we help business owners become even more successful as they go into the future?  How can these businesses access advanced technology and professional management used by larger, established corporate enterprises,  when there is less capital to spare?  How do we help these business leaders sustain their momentum for the next generation?  These problems became our mission: to harness the best in people, processes, and technology to help successful entrepreneurs go to the next level.

Our own growth has paralleled the growth of our early clients. Doubling every year since we started, we have built a young and energetic team who learn fast, adapt to change quickly and have a curious and progressive outlook.  Youth energy is the critical and not-so-secret ingredient to Infinnum’s ability to keep up with the needs of companies gradually making their way up the ranks of the Philippine’s Top 1000. Willingness to work hard, a desire for self-improvement, a healthy team spirit and a mission to do good in the world is the common thread that unites the members of our Infinnum family.    When our infinite potential meets infinite possibilities, the sky is the limit to where Infinnum can go.   

Ana Justo

Founder of Infinnum Incorporated

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